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AUDIT IT: Job Scheduling...

AUDIT IT’s job rostering and scheduling system is much more than a calendar – its features will help you prioritise, diarise and manage audit appointments according to your specific requirements.  Choose from Rostering or Scheduling, depending on whether your audits are cyclic or one-off.


The AUDIT IT Rostering system automatically recommends and rosters audit appointments for you and your team based on data that you define.  You load specific data about your audits, your auditors and your geographical zones and AUDIT IT will analyse and allocate the audit tasks optimally, ensuring the best use of your resources.  You can readily manipulate the suggested appointments to cater for ad hoc events or unexpected changes.


The AUDIT IT Scheduling system is designed for those jobs not carried out on a routine cycle, that is, where audit appointments need to be created one at a time, based on outside requests.  The scheduling system uses your data to identify and recommend the optimum auditor and appointment time based on availability and location.